
Posts Tagged ‘Gordon Ramsay’

The Chelsea Flower Show


We thought you may be interested in a few facts about the Chelsea Flower Show, coming up in May 2008. Perhaps something to mull over as you enjoy a wonderfully relaxed evening of conversation at Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant.


·        The Chelsea Flower show is held for only five days of each year

·        The show dates back to 1852, although it moved to its current grounds at Chelsea, and was renamed, in 1913. 

·        It was originally called “The Royal Horticultural Society’s Spring Show” – quite a mouthful!  One wonders whether people shortened it when referring to it, or even used an acronym of some sort (although the sibilant “The RHSSS” does not exactly roll off the tongue, and puts one in mind of Harry Potter escapades)

·        Every year, something of the order of 157,000 guests attend (this is more than the population of several English towns put together!) – indeed, its popularity is the reason that the show was extended from 4 days to 5 in 2005

·        For those of us who miss it, there’s substantial BBC coverage, and even an official DVD

·        As one would expect, the Royal Family get to attend a preview of the show, although whether they are allowed to pick any of the blooms is debatable

·        In much the same way as fashion, the show is an important indicator of trends in the horticultural world, so for those of you thinking of designing some exotic new flora, you’d best attend to make sure you’re either on-trend, or daringly off it!




Wikipedia: “Chelsea Flower Show”

The RHS official homepage

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