
Posts Tagged ‘British Etiquette’

How to address The Queen

Everyone worries about what is the right thing to do these days. Whether it is what is the correct length of dress; is an evening dress too over the top when your man is in lounge suit; should a hat be worn; how many kisses should be proffered when meeting someone for the first time? – It can be a total nightmare and lead to umpteen rows and huffy silences (normally when ones partner gives the completely wrong advice!) not to mention embarrassment. Nobody wants to be the one to make the social gaff of the season that will be talked about for months. To help out we thought it would be amusing to start a series of “how to…” inserts. So fanfare please as we begin with…

How to Address the Queen This would certainly send the most level headed of us into a frenzy. Not only do you have the question of what to wear but also what so say? Well, here are a few hints and tips to help along the way should you ever find yourself in front of Her Majesty. If you are a British subject you should always bow or curtsey when meeting the Queen. Keep your curtsey shallow, too low and you could end up in a rather undignified heap on the floor. Also gents, when bowing, a dip of the head is preferable to a full body bow as you are less likely to head-butt the Sovereign, be carted off to the tower and never be seen again. Phew, you can breathe a sigh of relief. You have got through the first stage without committing any faux pas and are now in front of the Queen; you haven’t knocked her out or fallen over so things are going well.

She now offers you her hand to shake. Sweaty palms are not attractive so if you find yours is a bit damp a surreptitious wipe before proffering would be advisable. Never refuse the royal hand (it may result in losing your head!). A firm hand shake would be preferable to a limp one, however be sure not to be too over enthusiastic and squash the Royal fingers.  Well done. That is the second hurdle successfully navigated. But what if she speaks to you? Keep calm, smile, and respond appropriately.

First greet her as ‘Your Majesty’; that should get you off to a flying start. Now the introductions are over you are old friends so you can call her ‘Ma’am’. It is probably best to follow her lead and simply reply to her questions rather than engage her in any long-winded contentious debates. Ladies, even if she is wearing an outfit to die for, try to resist the temptation to ask her where she got it from!  After your little tête-à-tête it will be time to retire. Although tradition states that you should never show your back to the Queen, please do not be tempted to follow the lead of Hollywood’s finest films and back out of the room.

That inevitably results in chaos, breakages and you landing in an undignified heap on the floor. It would be much safer to wait until the Queen leaves the room. Congratulations! Her Majesty has now left the room, you have remained dignified, unruffled and have just negotiated your way through a potential mine field. You can now retire to the nearest bar, indulge in a huge G&T and take great pleasure in recounting the whole affair in minute detail to anyone willing to listen.  Bravo! 

References:eHow: How to Greet the Queen of England

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